Emotions are complex reactions involving a cascade of subjective, physical, and behavioral reactions that, although not always productive in every situation, are designed to motivate us to act in ways that not only benefit our survival but also help us prosper in our environment. The following emotions are found in all humans across many cultures.


Information message: Protect from immediate harm or danger

Related terms: Scared, dread, fright, panicked, uneasy

Subjective feelings: “I feel threatened by [someone, something]”, “I can’t handle this situation”, “This reminds me of another time I was hurt”, “I am going to fail”, “[S/he] wants to leave me”

Body experience: Sweating, feeling jittery, shaking, choking sensation, lump in the throat, breathlessness, abdominal distress

Actions and expressions: Rapid speaking, shaky voice, crying, screaming, running away, seeking shelter, speechless, frozen



Information message: Prevent future harm or danger

Related terms: Nervous, apprehensive, worried, dreading, overwhelmed, tense, stressed

Subjective Feelings: “I could be in a lot of trouble if…” “What if [something bad] happens…” “If I don’t do well on this, I will be [fired/kicked out]”, “I will not be able to survive if [s/he] decided to leave me”, “I need to prepare for the worst”

Body experience: Tension in muscles (neck, head, back, jaw), restlessness, feeling tired, inability to rest or sleep, difficulty concentrating, keyed up or on edge, chronic headaches, gastrointestinal discomfort

Actions and expressions: Avoiding reminders of anxiety-provoking things/people, seeking reassurance from others that you are going to be ok, rapid talking



Information message: Withdraw from an intolerable someone or something

Related terms: Appalled, contemptuous, sickened, distanced, noxious

Subjective feelings: “Get me away from this [person/thing]”, “I can’t stand to be around [her/him] anymore”, “I hate the way [s/he] does that”, “The thought of it makes me sick”

Body experience: Queasiness, stomach aches, numb in hands and feet

Actions and expressions: Push away [offending person/object], avoid contact with [offending person/object], speak negatively about [offending person/object], expressing discontent on face



Information message: Respond to an injustice or transgression against you

Related terms: Irritated, hostile, furious, annoyed, bitter, frustrated, grumpy, scornful, offended

Subjective feelings: “I can’t believe [s/he] did that”, “How could [s/he] say that about me?” “I can’t believe I would be disregarded that way”, “I can’t believe they would pass me up for the promotion”, “[S/he] violated my trust and didn’t even consider my feelings”

Body experience: Face flushing, general feeling of tightness or rigidity, teeth clamping/mouth tightening, wound up/feel like you will explode out of your body.

Actions and expressions: Wanting to strike [someone/something], verbally attacking [someone], cursing, yelling, clenching your hands and fists, complaining, brooding or withdrawing



Information message: Acknowledge an important loss or an unreachable goal–allowing for disengagement, and conservation of energy

Related terms: Despair, hurt, down, agonized, defeated, glum, hopeless, alienated, sorrow, unhappy

Subjective feelings": “I feel lost”, “I will never have [possession/relationship] again”, “I can’t believe it’s over”, “I failed”, “This is not how I thought things would turn out”, “There’s no hope”

Body experience: Empty or pit feeling in stomach, crying, difficulty swallowing, arms and legs feel heavy, tired, loss of concentration, loss of breath, dizzy

Actions and expressions: Absence of ability to act including low energy/feeling lethargic/slow movements/loss of interest or motivation to socialize/work, frowning, talking less or slower



Information message: Recognize one has violated social norms/mores

Related terms: Humiliated, embarrassed, contrite, guilty, regretful

Subjective feelings: “I cannot believe I said that”, “I really hurt that person when I said that”, “I am not like others”, “I don’t know how to act around my coworkers”, “I am a bad person”, “I have not met other’s expectations”

Body experience: Crying, blushing, jittery, pit in stomach, difficulty speaking, choking sensation

Actions and expressions: Hiding, escaping the presence of others, attempting to repair possible harm, apologizing, looking at the floor, slumping



Information message: Gaining something that you prize

Related terms: Happy, exhilaration, amusement

Subjective feelings: “I feel great”, “I am so happy this happened”, “It’s so good to see you again!”

Body experience: Authentic smile (“smiling with eyes”)

Actions and expressions: Increased willingness to approach, being active, urge to play and be playful



Information message: Increasing attention to potential reward

Related terms: Curiosity, intrigue, excitement, wonder

Subjective feelings: “I am curious about that”, “I’d like to pursue that interest”, “I am excited to find out what will happen”

Body experience: Feeling animated or alive, butterflies in stomach

Actions and expressions: Attending to, orienting towards, exploring one’s world, expanding actions



Information message: Increasing attention to potential reward

Related terms: Curiosity, intrigue, excitement, wonder

Subjective feelings: “I am curious about that”, “I’d like to pursue that interest”, “I am excited to find out what will happen”

Body experience: Feeling animated or alive, butterflies in stomach

Actions and expressions: Attending to, orienting towards, exploring one’s world, expanding actions



Information message: Happily or enthusiastically anticipating or seeking a new or known sensation or experience

Related terms: Enthusiasm, anticipation, fascination, eagerness

Subjective feelings: “I can’t wait for…” “I’m looking forward to…” “I wonder how … will turn out” “…is going to be great!”

Body experience: Feeling like heart is racing, having sweaty palms, tingling in your belly

Actions and expressions: Increased attention to or desire to engage with a situation or experience, rapid speaking, more impulsive decision making